We are the Kyiv Biscuit Factory (KBF), a real master in our field, offering you moments of sweet pleasure. Our history is a path covered by the sweet inspirations and talents of our confectioners. From a small family workshop, we have turned into one of the most prestigious biscuit factories, where every day we do our best to give you unparalleled taste experiences.

Alcazar cake

Anabela cake

American cake

almond cookie

Alcazar cake

Anabela cake

American cake

American dice


Our valuesBest
All our products are created with love and striving for the highest quality. We believe that real sweetness is not just a product, but a feeling that makes your day special.
Every crumb of our cookies is a work of art that will bring you joy and make your moments even more unforgettable.
Our confectioners are always in search of new flavors and innovations, so that every bite brings you real pleasure. Discover the world of sweets with Kyiv Biscuit Factory, where every piece is a piece of joy.
Усі наші вироби створюються з любов’ю та прагненням до найвищої якості. Ми віримо, що справжня солодкість – це не просто продукт, а відчуття, що робить ваш день особливим. Кожна крихта нашого печива – це твір мистецтва, який принесе вам радість і зробить ваші моменти ще більш незабутніми. Наші кондитери завжди в пошуку нових смаків та інновацій, щоб кожен кусочок приносив вам справжню насолоду. Відкрийте для себе світ солодощів з Київською бісквітною фабрикою, де кожен шматочок – це шматочок радості.

Enchanted by the exquisite taste and delicate texture of our confectionery, each piece of cookie is created for the most important moments in your life.
Let every celebration be a sweet surprise for the taste, when our waffles, cookies and sandwiches appear on the table, which make the holiday unforgettable.
100% chocolate
Chocolate is not just a dish, it's an experience. Our chocolate products from KBF will bring you the pleasure of pure, highest quality chocolate in every drop and crumb.
We are a company that works in the market of sales and supply of goods from world leaders in the field of production.
Our mission is to provide customers with the best products and services that meet the highest quality standards.
Over the years of working on the market, we have accumulated considerable experience and established stable partnership relations with the world’s leading manufacturers.
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